Review Templates (admin)


Review Templates define the forms and form process for assigned reviews. A template may include just one review form or may include multiple forms that are to be filled out and signed by different people in an organization. 

Managing Review Templates

To create and manage templates, navigate to the Reviews page in Administration and select Templates. In the Templates list, you will see every review template for your organization, along with when that template was last updated and the number of forms used in the template.

Creating a New Template

To create a new template, click  New Template

Opening an Existing Template

To open an existing template, click on the name of that template from the list. 

Editing a Template

When creating a new template or opening an existing template, you'll be taken to a screen to edit the template.  From this page, you'll be able to name or rename the template, add new forms and update existing forms from the template and save your changes. The template can be defined to contain a combination of Forms, 360 Forms, and External Forms.  The example below shows a template with a couple of forms already added.  

You will see an Options menu in the upper right allowing you to:

  • Save your template
  • Add a Form to the template
  • Add a 360 Form to the template
  • Add an External Form to the template
  • Delete the template

Adding Forms

To add a form to the template, click Add Form under the Options menu or the Add New Form button. This will create a placeholder for specifying the form and its settings.

  • Select the form to be included in the template. Start typing the form name to find it.
  • Add who will author or complete the form
    There are available options for Employee being reviewed, Employee’s Manager, Other Employee, Manager’s Manager, Contributors,or Direct Reports, plus any specific employee.

    You’ll typically use a placeholder role rather than a specific person in a template unless that same employee has the same role in every review assigned with this template. You can add multiple users or placeholders here.

  • Select who will sign the form using the same options as who completes the form; here, you can also have multiple signers.
  • Specify how many days the author(s) will have to complete authoring the form before it is due.
  • Specify how many additional days the signer(s) will have to complete signing the form before it is due.

    Note that signer days are added to the author days when the template is assigned, creating a cumulative total for the final form due date.

  • Select if the form should be visible to the subject employee after the form is completed (authored and signed).

    Ensure the box is not checked if you want to hide the form from the employee. However, if the employee is an author or signer, they can access it.

  • Select if the form’s author should be redacted, meaning it will not be made visible to the subject of the review.

Adding 360 Forms

You can add a 360 Form from either the options menu or using the Add New Form button.  

Note 360 Forms defined in the template are only applicable when the template is used to create a Review Cycle.

Adding External Forms

Click Add External Form under the options menu to add an external form. An external form in a template is a placeholder where you can have someone without a PerformYard account weigh in on a review. When adding to a template, you must select the form but can leave the other options (who, email address, and message) blank and fill those in when the review is assigned. 

Saving the Template

Once you have finished the template, click Save.  You can also change the name of the template before saving the template. 

Returning to List of Templates

To return to the list of templates, click Review Templates from the breadcrumb at the top of the page.