All Forms List (admin)
Administrators have access to a list of all review forms that have been assigned within their organization. This includes all forms that have been assigned in any review or review cycle. Click on Reviews within Company Info and then select All Forms Report to access this report.
In the Forms List, you will see a series of columns that provide the pertinent data about each review form that has been assigned in PerformYard. These fields are generally sortable or filterable and include:
- Subject - this is the subject of the review form; this field is filterable by the person.
- Form - this is the name of the review form; this field is filterable by the review form name. The form name is a hyperlink to view the form's contents. Only forms assigned/completed by PerformYard users will appear; external forms are not visible on this report.
- Authors are the individuals responsible for completing the form, showing the number of authors and avatars of those employees; this field is filterable by the person.
- Signers are the individuals responsible for signing the form, showing the number of signers and avatars of those employees; this field is also filterable by the person.
- Authors Due Date – this is the assigned date for completing the form, filterable by date range.
- Signers Due Date – this is the assigned date for signing the form, filterable by date range.
- Complete Date - where a form has been completed; this is the date it was finished. This field is also filterable by inputting a date range.
- Status - this is the form's current status to indicate if it is scheduled to start, awaiting submission from an author, awaiting sign-off by a signer, or completed. Filtering is based on the form's status.
Please Note: if you download a CSV of the Forms List, you will be presented with seven additional fields, including:
- Author Completion - percent (%) of author completion
- Signer Completion - percent (%) of signer completion
- Review Name
- Review Cycle
- Subject's Manager
- Visible to Subject (Yes/No) - indicates if the form is visible to the subject.
- Redact Author (Yes/No) - indicates if the form is redacted.
Shown above the forms list are a number of options to control the items shown in the list:
- Filters, where you can apply filters to the list based on any of the parameters listed above
- Show Redacted, which will display the names of authors in forms where the Redact Author setting has been applied (otherwise, those will show as Anonymous)
- Download CSV, where you can take an export of the full list (including all filters).