Employee API Reference
The PerformYard Employee API allows customers to programmatically retrieve and manage data related to users/employees defined in PerformYard. The API endpoints will let you:
- Retrieve the list of employees with the ability to sort and paginate results.
- Retrieve the definition of an employee
- Create new employee
- Update Employee details and fields
- Delete (Deactivate) an Employee
- Perform batch operations
Calling these API endpoints requires an API Key and API ID. See Getting Started with PerformYard API for details on creating API keys and API Authentication for authentication flow.
Retrieve All Employees
GET https://api.talent.performyard.com/v1/employees
Returns a list employees.
Query Parameters
limit integer The number of employees to be returned in a single API Request. Default: 200 Minimum: 5 Maximum: 200 |
offset integer Used to paginate through the list of employees. Can be combined with limit. Default: 0 Increment the value by one to fetch subsequent pages (1 for the second page, 2 for the third, etc.). |
sort string Order in which to return the list of employees. Allowed Values: asc(FIELD_NAME) desc(FIELD_NAME) Allowed Field Names: _id name email manager |
employeeStatus enum Filter the returned employees by a specific status. Allowed Values: activated deactivated Accepts only a single string value. |
permissionLevel enum Filter the returned employees by a specific permission level. Allowed Values: billing admin admin basic admin employee Accepts only a single string value. |
includeAllDataFields boolean Used to determine whether all data fields should be returned for each employee in the list. Allowed Values: true false Accepts only a single boolean value. |
CURL Example
curl --location 'https://api.talent.performyard.com/v1/employees?limit=200&offset=0&employeeStatus=deactivated&permissionLevel=employee&includeAllDataFields=true' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'x-api-id: {{X-API-ID}}' \ --header 'x-api-key: {{X-API-KEY}}'
Response (200)
{ "employees": [ { "_id": "<string>", "name": "<string>", "email": "<string>", "phone": "<string>", "job_title": "<string>", "manager": { "_id": "<string>", "name": "<string>", "email": "<string>" }, "contributors": [ { "_id": "<string>", "name": "<string>", "email": "<string>" }, { "_id": "<string>", "name": "<string>", "email": "<string>" } ], "group": { "_id": "<string>", "name": "<string>" }, "termination_date": "<string>", "permission_level": "employee", "employee_status": "deactivated", "custom_fields": [ { "_id": "<string>", "field_value": "<string>", "field_name": "<string>" }, { "_id": "<string>", "field_value": "<string>", "field_name": "<string>" } ], "hire_date": "<string>" }, ... ] }
Retrieve Employee By ID
GET https://api.talent.performyard.com/v1/employees/:employee_id
Returns an employee.
Path Parameters
employee_id string The ID that uniquely identifies the employee to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
includeAllDataFields boolean Used to determine whether all data fields should be returned for each employee in the list. Allowed Values: true false Accepts only a single boolean value. |
CURL Example
curl --location -X GET "https://api.talent.performyard.com/v1/employees/6734c08623dbbf142bb2f3de?includeAllDataFields=true" \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'x-api-id: {{X-API-ID}}' \ --header 'x-api-key: {{X-API-KEY}}'
Response (200)
{ "employee": { "_id": "<string>", "name": "<string>", "email": "<string>", "phone": "<string>", "job_title": "<string>", "manager": { "_id": "<string>", "name": "<string>", "email": "<string>" }, "contributors": [ { "_id": "<string>", "name": "<string>", "email": "<string>" }, { "_id": "<string>", "name": "<string>", "email": "<string>" } ], "group": { "_id": "<string>", "name": "<string>" }, "termination_date": "<string>", "permission_level": "basic admin", "employee_status": "deactivated", "custom_fields": [ { "_id": "<string>", "field_value": "<string>", "field_name": "<string>" }, { "_id": "<string>", "field_value": "<string>", "field_name": "<string>" } ], "hire_date": "<string>" } }
Update Multiple Employees
PATCH https://api.talent.performyard.com/v1/employees
Update the details for one or more employees, optionally including their custom employee data fields.
Request Body Parameters
Request Body
The request for this endpoint takes in an array of employees to be updated (objects). The following table explains the possible parameters that can be passed in for each employee to update and which are required.
_id string required The ID that uniquely identifies the employee to update. |
first_name string The employee's legal first name. |
nickname string The employee's preferred or commonly used name. When an employee has nickname set, the name property on GET requests will follow the format "nickname last_name". |
last_name string The employee's legal last name. |
email string The employee's company or official email address. Must be a valid email format. |
phone string The employee's primary phone number. Dashes are optional. |
job_title string The employee's official job title or role within the company. |
hire_date string The date in which the employee was officially hired. Allowed Formats: YYYY-MM-DD MM-DD-YYYY |
termination_date string The date in which the employee's employment ended. Allowed Formats: YYYY-MM-DD MM-DD-YYYY |
group string The group in which the employee belongs to. Learn more about groups here. The group must exist in PerformYard. An employee can exist in more than one group. |
employee_status enum The current employment status of the employee. Allowed Values: activated deactivated |
manager string The email address of the employee's direct manager. |
contributors array The email address(es) of contributors to the employee. Accepts an array of 0 to any number of employee email addresses (strings). |
custom_fields array Used to update the employee data fields created by the company. Learn more about employee data fields here. Accepts an array of object where each object includes field_name and field_value, both of which accept a single string value. Both are required in this action. |
Request Body Format
[ { "_id": "<string>", "first_name": "<string>", "nickname": : "<string>", "last_name": "<string>", "email": "<string>", "phone": "<string>", "job_title": "<string>", "hire_date": "<string>", "termination_date": "<string>", "group": "<string>", "employee_status": "activated", "manager": "<string>", "contributors": [ "<string>" ], "custom_fields": [ { "field_name": "<string>", "field_value": "<string>" } ] }, ... ]
CURL Example
curl --location --request PATCH 'https://api.talent.performyard.com/v1/employees' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'x-api-id: {{X-API-ID}}' \ --header 'x-api-key: {{X-API-KEY}}' \ --data '[ { "_id": "6734c08623dbbf142bb2f3df", "first_name": "Jenny", "nickname": : "Jen", "last_name": "Sherman", "job_title": "Sales, VP", "employee_status": "deactivated", "manager": "manager@company.com", "contributors": [ "contributor1@company.com", "contributor2@company.com" ], "custom_fields": [ { "field_name": "Location", "field_value": "Virginia" } ] }, ... ]'
Response (200)
{ "message": "Employee(s) updated or created" }
Update Employee
PATCH https://api.talent.performyard.com/v1/employees/:employee_id
Update the details of a single.
Path Parameters
employee_id string The ID that uniquely identifies the employee to retrieve. |
Request Body Parameters
first_name string The employee's legal first name. |
nickname string The employee's preferred or commonly used name. When an employee has nickname set, the name property on GET requests will follow the format "nickname last_name". |
last_name string The employee's legal last name. |
email string The employee's company or official email address. Must be a valid email format. |
phone string The employee's primary phone number. Dashes are optional. |
job_title string The employee's official job title or role within the company. |
hire_date string The date in which the employee was officially hired. Allowed Formats: YYYY-MM-DD MM-DD-YYYY |
termination_date string The date in which the employee's employment ended. Allowed Formats: YYYY-MM-DD MM-DD-YYYY |
group string The group in which the employee belongs to. Learn more about groups here. The group must exist in PerformYard. An employee can exist in more than one group. |
employee_status enum The current employment status of the employee. Allowed Values: activated deactivated |
manager string The email address of the employee's direct manager. |
contributors array The email address(es) of contributors to the employee. Accepts an array of 0 to any number of employee email addresses (strings). |
custom_fields array Used to update the employee data fields created by the company. Learn more about employee data fields here. Accepts an array of object where each object includes field_name and field_value, both of which accept a single string value. Both are required in this action. |
Request Body Format
{ "_id": "<string>", "first_name": "<string>", "nickname": : "<string>", "last_name": "<string>", "email": "<string>", "phone": "<string>", "job_title": "<string>", "hire_date": "<string>", "termination_date": "<string>", "group": "<string>", "employee_status": "activated", "manager": "<string>", "contributors": [ "<string>" ], "custom_fields": [ { "field_name": "<string>", "field_value": "<string>" } ] }
CURL Example
curl --location --request PATCH 'https://api.talent.performyard.com/v1/employees/642af7983586809245187b04' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'x-api-id: kuugklk2y1' \ --header 'x-api-key: {{' \ --data '{ "first_name": "Jenny", "nickname": : "Jen", "last_name": "Sherman", "job_title": "Sales, VP", "employee_status": "deactivated", "manager": "manager@company.com", "contributors": [ "contributor1@company.com", "contributor2@company.com" ], "custom_fields": [ { "field_name": "Location", "field_value": "Virginia" } ] }'
Response (200)
{ "message": "Employee updated" }
Create One or More Employees
POST https://api.talent.performyard.com/v1/employees
Create or provision one or more employees, optionally including their custom employee data fields.
Request Body Parameters
Request Body
The request for this endpoint takes in an array of employees to be created (objects). The following table explains the possible parameters that can be passed in for each employee to create and which are required.
first_name string required The employee's legal first name. |
last_name string required The employee's legal last name. |
email string required The employee's company or official email address. Must be a valid email format. |
employee_status enum required The current employment status of the employee. Allowed Values: activated deactivated |
nickname string The employee's preferred or commonly used name. When an employee has nickname set, the name property on GET requests will follow the format "nickname last_name". |
phone string The employee's primary phone number. Dashes are optional. |
job_title string The employee's official job title or role within the company. |
hire_date string The date in which the employee was officially hired. Allowed Formats: YYYY-MM-DD MM-DD-YYYY |
termination_date string The date in which the employee's employment ended. Allowed Formats: YYYY-MM-DD MM-DD-YYYY |
group string The group in which the employee belongs to. Learn more about groups here. The group must exist in PerformYard. An employee can exist in more than one group. |
manager string The email address of the employee's direct manager. |
contributors array The email address(es) of contributors to the employee. Accepts an array of 0 to any number of employee email addresses (strings). |
custom_fields array Used to update the employee data fields created by the company. Learn more about employee data fields here. Accepts an array of object where each object includes field_name and field_value, both of which accept a single string value. |
Request Body Format
[ { "first_name": "<string>", "nickname": : "<string>", "last_name": "<string>", "email": "<string>", "phone": "<string>", "job_title": "<string>", "hire_date": "<string>", "termination_date": "<string>", "group": "<string>", "employee_status": "activated", "manager": "<string>", "contributors": [ "<string>" ], "custom_fields": [ { "field_name": "<string>", "field_value": "<string>" } ] }, ... ]
CURL Example
curl --location 'POSThttps://api.talent.performyard.com/v1/employees' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'x-api-id: {{X-API-ID}}' \ --header 'x-api-key: {{X-API-KEY}}' \ --data '[ { "email": "newemployee@company.com", "employee_status": "activated", "first_name": "New", "last_name": "Employee", "phone": "111-222-3333", "job_title": "Marketing Intern", "hire_date": "2025-02-11", "termination_date": "", "group": "Marketing", "manager": "manager@company.com", "contributors": [], "custom_fields": [ { "field_name": "Location", "field_name": "Virginia" } ] } ]'
Response (200)
{ "message": "Employee(s) created" }