Employee details

The details page is set up to display your employee information in PerformYard. You’ll access this from the View Details button at the bottom left of your dashboard. Your basic information, including name, title, manager and direct reports appear on the left below your picture, while the right-hand side contains additional information about you and your account. These data fields and their permissions are managed by your administrators. 

Individual names, such as your direct reports or manager, are links that will take you to that person's dashboard.

You will see a pencil icon on the bottom half of your picture, this allows you to edit the various pieces of information about yourself and add/change your profile picture. Information managed by your HRIS will be locked with an icon indicating the HRIS responsible for updating the field automatically. In addition, fields that your administrator has determined should not be available for editing will not be visible when you select to edit your details.

Additionally, the field titles for each field are clickable, and take you to a page where you can see a history of changes to the field. Further, on those pages, you can edit the field, provide an "as of" date for any change and offer any comments about a change