Dashboard Questions Page

Questions Page

The Questions page provides the finest-grained visibility into employees' answers to engagement and satisfaction questions, along with visibility into current and past survey participation rates.

Questions Drill-down Page

Question and Survey KPIs

The Question drill-down page offers several top-level KPIs with details about the current or most recent survey and visibility into current and past survey participation rates.

Current Survey Period

The Current Survey Period KPI displays the number of days remaining for the current or most recently sent survey (the days remaining until the next survey), the current participation rate, the number of employees having responded, and the percentage of questions completed by those who responded.

Current Survey Period KPI

  • Days Remaining: The number of days until the next survey (per current admin settings.)
  • Participation Rate: The percentage of survey recipients who have responded to at least one question for the current survey. A low percentage may indicate that employees may be missing survey e-mails (double check spam filters.) or are feeling some level of survey fatigue. 
  • Participants: The number of survey recipients who have responded to at least one question for the current survey. 
  • Questions Answered: The percentage of questions from the current survey that, on average, have been answered by survey responders.  A low rate may indicate that survey takers are dropping off without completing much of the survey.  It may indicate a need to shorten the survey by selecting a more frequent survey cadence (with fewer questions.)

Participation Rate

The participation rate KPI describes the percentage of survey recipients who have answered at least one question on all the surveys they received during the selected period.  The small bar chart shows the participation rate for surveys sent over the prior 12 months.

Participation Rate KPI

A low participation percentage may indicate survey fatigue due to a too frequent survey frequency or may indicate that employees are potentially not receiving survey emails (double check spam filters.). 

Question Answer Rate

The Questions Answered KPI describes the percentage of questions answered across all surveys responded to by survey recipients during the selected period.  The small bar chart shows the question-answer rate for surveys responded to over the prior 12 months.

Questions Answered KPI

A low answer rate percentage may indicate that survey takers are dropping off without completing much of the survey.  It may indicate a need to shorten the survey by selecting a more frequent survey cadence (with fewer questions per survey.) 

Question Table

The questions table displays all available engagement and satisfaction questions and the summarized results for each question based on any selected filters and period.  The number of responses, the average score, and the ratings distribution are shown for each question.

Question Page - Question Table

Distribution of Ratings

The ratings stacked bar distribution displays the responses as a percentage of the total responses received.  The stacked bar will only display received responses, so if employees never chose a rating, it will not be shown in the chart.  In the example below, no employees responded with a rating of one for the leadership question.  If the % is too small to display on the stacked bar chart, hovering the stacked bar will show the details.

Distribution of Ratings

If there are insufficient responses to a question for the selected filters (fewer than three responses), the results will not be shown in the table to ensure anonymity. 

Questions are selected randomly for surveys for each factor; it is, therefore, possible that some questions may not have any responses in a given period or for a specific cohort.

Additional Feedback Question Responses

If you are using our end of survey Additional Feedback question, the Questions dashboard is also where you can go to download the answers to that question. To download responses, select the menu icon to the right of the # of Responses column and then select Download CSV. If any responses are available they will be listed in the CSV file.

Download as CSV

The questions table offers an action menu with an option to download as CSV, which will download the currently displayed data, with applied filters, as a CSV file.

Download Question Table as CSVThe resulting CSV file will contain the following columns:

Factor Text The name of the satisfaction factor whose score this question contributes towards.
Question Text Text The text of the specific question (statement) that was answered or rated by survey respondents.
# of Responses Number The number of respondents to this question for the selected filters and period.
Average Score Number The average rating by respondents to this question for the selected filters and period.
Strongly Disagree (1) Percentage The percentage of respondents who gave a rating of 1 on a Likert-5 rating scale.
Disagree (2) Percentage The percentage of respondents with a rating of 2 on a Likert-5 scale.
Neither Agree nor Disagree (3) Percentage The percentage of respondents with a rating of 3 on a Likert-5 scale.
Agree (4) Percentage The percentage of respondents with a rating of 4 on a Likert-5 scale.
Strongly Agree (5) Percentage The percentage of respondents with a rating of 5 on a Likert-5 scale.

You can view the CSV in your preferred spreadsheet or BI tool for further analysis or visualization.  

Download Question Table as CSV in Excel