PerformYard API


The PerformYard API allows customers to programmatically retrieve and manage data related to their performance management processes.

Getting Started

To get started using the PerformYard API, you'll need to obtain a company API Key. Please have a look at our Getting Started article for more information.

API Capabilities:

The PerformYard REST API offers several endpoints to manage different aspects of the PerformYard platform. 

Employee Management

Provides the ability to create, update, deactivate, and retrieve employee details from PerformYard programmatically.  You can learn more about these API endpoints here.

Reporting & Analytics

Provides the ability to retrieve the list of available reports and run and retrieve the resulting data for a report.  You can learn more about these API endpoints here.


Provides the ability to retrieve a list of goals, outlooks, and goal categories as well as the ability to create or update goals and update a goal's progress. You can learn more about these API endpoints here.

API Status

Provides the ability to check on the availability of the PerformYard REST API. You can learn more about these API endpoints here.

API Authentication & Usage

Provides the ability to verify API Keys' validity and retrieve your account's current API usage levels. You can learn more about these API endpoints here.

An OpenAPI (formerly Swagger) definition file for our API endpoints can be downloaded here.