Goals API Reference
The PerformYard Goals API allows customers to programmatically retrieve and manage data related to Goals created in PerformYard. The API endpoints will let you:
- Retrieve a list of all Goals
- Retrieve a list of individual Goals by ID
- Retrieve a list of your Outlooks used in Goal progress updates
- Retrieve a list of your Goal Categories
- Update a Goal's progress
- Create a Goal
- Edit an existing Goal
Calling these API endpoints requires an API Key and API ID. See Getting Started with PerformYard API for details on creating API keys and API Authentication for authentication flow.
Note: The Goals API can interact with both public and private goals. API users are assumed to have admin-level permissions and therefore have the same visibility permissions as your Billing Admin and Admin roles.
Retrieve All Goals
Provides the ability to retrieve all goals for the purposes of storage or understanding what the current state of a goal is before updating progress or attributes for the goal.
Results are ordered by Active, Complete, and then Archived status. Within each status results are ordered by Name and Due Date to facilitate identifying each employee's most relevant goals that have upcoming due dates.
Please keep in mind that a goal's description will be delivered with escape characters for proper formatting in your database of choice.
Query Params | Type | Description | Default | Example |
Limit | number | The number of goals to be returned | 200 | 50 |
Offset | number | Skips into the list of goals and, when combined with the limit parameter, can be used to paginate longer results. | 0 | 5 |
CURL Example
curl --location -X GET "https://api.staging.talent.performyard.com/v1/goals?limit=50&offset=5" \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'x-api-id: {{X-API-ID}}' \ --header 'x-api-key: {{X-API-KEY}}'
200 OK
{ "goals": [ { "_id": "<goal_id>", "start_date": "<YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ>", "categories": [ { "_id": "<goal_category_id>", "name": "<string>" } ], "transparency": "private", "sharers": [ { "_id": "<employee_id>", "email": "<string>", "name": "<string>" } ], "target": 100, "name": "<string>", "description": "<string>", "value": 20, "assignee": [ { "_id": "<employee_id>", "email": "<string>", "name": "<string>" } ], "units": "<string>", "status": "active", "end_date": "<YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ>", "outlook": <string>, "goal_weight": <string>, "checklist": [ { "_id": "<string>", "text": "<string>", "checked": false }, { "_id": "<string>", "text": "<string>", "checked": true } ] }, ... ] }
Retrieve Goals by ID
Provides the ability to retrieve one to many active, completed, or archived goals by their unique ID.
Please keep in mind that a goal's description will be delivered with escape characters for proper formatting in your database of choice.
Path Variables | Type | Description | Example |
:id | string | The ID of the goal. Multiple goals can be retrieved by comma-separating each ID. | 65149ccd4625ec565b6db831,65149ccd4625ec565b6db847 |
CURL Example
curl --location -X GET "https://api.staging.talent.performyard.com/v1/goal/(goal_id)" \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'x-api-id: {{X-API-ID}}' \ --header 'x-api-key: {{X-API-KEY}}'
200 OK
{ "_id": "<goal_id>", "start_date": "<YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ>", "categories": [ { "_id": "<goal_category_id>", "name": "<string>" } ], "transparency": "public", "sharers": [ { "_id": "<employee_id>", "email": "<string>", "name": "<string>" } ], "target": 100, "name": "<string>", "description": "<string>", "value": 20, "assignee": [ { "_id": "<employee_id>", "email": "<string>", "name": "<string>" } ], "units": "<string>", "status": "active", "end_date": "<YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ>", "outlook": <string>, "goal_weight": <string>, "checklist": [ { "_id": "<string>", "text": "<string>", "checked": false }, { "_id": "<string>", "text": "<string>", "checked": true } ] }
Retrieve Goal Categories
Provides the list of available goal categories and their IDs to be used when creating a new goal or updating an existing goal.
Query Params | Type | Description | Default | Example |
Limit | Number | The number of categories to be returned. | 200 | 50 |
Offset | Number | Skips into the list of categories and, when combined with the limit parameter, can be used to paginate longer results. | 0 | 5 |
CURL Example
curl --location -X GET "https://api.staging.talent.performyard.com/v1/goal/goal-categories" \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'x-api-id: {{X-API-ID}}' \ --header 'x-api-key: {{X-API-KEY}}'
200 OK
[ { "_id": "<string>", "name": "<string>" }, { "_id": "<string>", "name": "<string>" } ]
Retrieve Goal Outlooks
Provides a list of available outlooks and their IDs to use when updating a goal's progress.
Query Params | Type | Description | Default | Example |
Limit | Number | The number of outlooks to be returned. | 200 | 50 |
Offset | Number | Skips into the list of outlooks and, when combined with the limit parameter, can be used to paginate longer results. | 0 | 5 |
CURL Example
curl --location -X GET "https://api.staging.talent.performyard.com/v1/goal-outlooks" \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'x-api-id: {{X-API-ID}}' \ --header 'x-api-key: {{X-API-KEY}}'
200 OK
[ { "_id": "<string>", "color": "<string>", "name": "<string>" }, { "_id": "<string>", "color": "<string>", "name": "<string>" }, { "_id": "<string>", "color": "<string>", "name": "<string>" } ]
Update Goal Progress
Updates a goal's progress, with options for providing incremental or absolute updates as well as the ability to update the goal's outlook. Progress updates made to a goal via the API will be recorded in the Activity Stream and Goal Progress side panel just as they would be if made via the PerformYard interface. Updates will also be associated with the name of the API key that was responsible for providing the update.
When determining your update type, "absolute" or "incremental" are the only allowed strings. These update types work exactly as they would when updating a goal via the UI, where an Incremental update adds the number entered in the value field to the existing goal progress value and an Absolute update overwrites the current goal progress value with the new value you provide in the value field.
Please note: Just as in the PerformYard interface, archived or completed goals cannot have their progress updated. Users attempting to update these goals will receive an error message indicating their status as an archived or completed goal.
Path Variables | Type | Description | Example |
goal_id | text | The id of the goal associated with the progress update. | 15d211ff7ad03d38b334716o |
Request Example
{ "value": <number>, "update_type": "<string>", "as_of_date": "<string>", "message": "<string>", "outlook": "<outlook_id>" }
CURL Example
curl --location -X PATCH "https://api.talent.performyard.com/v1/goals/(goal_id)/update-progress" \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'x-api-id: {{X-API-ID}}' \ --header 'x-api-key: {{X-API-KEY}}'
200 OK
Response Body:
{ "message": "Goal progress updated", "id": "<goal_id>" }
Create Goals
This API endpoint allows you to create a goal and define the various attributes of the goal to be created. Please keep in mind that, just like when creating a new goal in the PerformYard interface, adding multiple goal assignees will not assign multiple users to a single goal and will instead create one goal each for every assignee included. The maximum number of assignees per request to create a goal has been capped at 50 to preserve speed and ease of troubleshooting validation errors, so please keep in mind that you will need to sequence your assignees in batches of 50 if you would like to create more than 50 goals with the same attributes and assign them in bulk.
Body Params | Type | Description | Default | Example |
name | string | The title of the goal being created | Required | Complete new customer onboarding planning. |
assignment | string | The ID of the employee(s) that will be assigned a goal. | Required | 642af7983586809245187b04 |
transparency | string | Defines whether the goal will be public or private. | Required | public |
target | string | Defines the target value of the goal. | Required | 100 |
units | string | Defines the type of units the goal target will have. | Required | % |
is_top_level | string | Defines whether the goal is a top level goal or not. | Required | false |
start_date | string | Defines the start date of the goal. Must be in YYYY-MM-DD format. | Required | 2024-11-05 |
due_date | string | Defines the due date of the goal. Must be in YYYY-MM-DD format. | Optional | 2024-12-30 |
goal_weight | string | Defines the weight of a goal compared to others assigned to the same employee. | Optional | 1 |
description | string | The details of the specific goal. | Optional | Using our company OKRs and customer retention goals, define a template project... |
alignment | string | Defines a goal's alignment using another goal's ID. | Optional | 441af7183586808817187o61 |
categories | string | Defines a goal's categories using the IDs delivered via the /goal-categories/ endpoint | Optional | 851m77cc9aadf5f375f181a5 |
{ "name":"<string>", "assignment": [ "<user_id>", "<user_id>" ], "transparency": "<string>", "target": <string>, "units": "<string>", "start_date": "<YYYY-MM-DD>", "due_date": "<YYYY-MM-DD>", "goal_weight": <string>, "is_top_level": <string>, "description": "<string>", "alignment": "<goal_id>", "categories": "<category_id>" }
CURL Example
curl -X POST <API_URL> \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header 'x-api-id: {{X-API-ID}}' \ --header 'x-api-key: {{X-API-KEY}}' --data '{ "name": "<string>", "assignment": [ "<user_id>", "<user_id>" ], "transparency": "<string>", "target": "<string>", "units": "<string>", "start_date": "<YYYY-MM-DD>", "due_date": "<YYYY-MM-DD>", "goal_weight": "<string>", "is_top_level": "<string>", "description": "<string>", "alignment": "<goal_id>", "categories": "<category_id>" }'
200 OK
{ "message": "Goal created", "ids": [ "<string>", "<string>" ] }
Edit/Update Goal Attributes
This API endpoint allows you to edit an existing goal by providing both the ID of the goal you would like to edit and the attributes that need to be changed.
Please keep in mind that the ID of the goal that is being edited or updated should be included in the HTTP request. Updates to fields will also overwrite the current field value instead of appending new values to the existing field entry. For example, the description of a goal needs to be updated to include a link to outside documentation, the entire existing goal description in addition to the new link should be included in the PATCH request.
Updates to Goal attributes will also be recorded in the Goal's activity history stream, where the label of the responsible API key will be displayed alongside the nature of the update.
Body Params | Type | Description | Example |
name | string | The title of the goal being created | Complete new customer onboarding planning. |
assignment | string | The ID of the employee assigned to the goal. | 642af7983586809245187b04 |
transparency | string | Defines whether the goal will be public or private. | public |
target | string | Defines the target value of the goal. | 100 |
units | string | Defines the type of units the goal target will have. | % |
is_top_level | string | Defines whether the goal is a top level goal or not. | false |
start_date | string | Defines the start date of the goal. Must be in YYYY-MM-DD format. | 2024-11-05 |
due_date | string | Defines the due date of the goal. Must be in YYYY-MM-DD format. | 2024-12-30 |
goal_weight | string | Defines the weight of a goal compared to others assigned to the same employee. | 1 |
description | string | The details of the specific goal. | Using our company OKRs and customer retention goals, define a template project... |
alignment | string | Defines a goal's alignment using another goal's ID. | 441af7183586808817187o61 |
categories | string | Defines a goal's categories using the IDs delivered via the /goal-categories/ endpoint | 851m77cc9aadf5f375f181a5 |
{ "name":"<string>", "assignment": "<string>", "transparency": "<string>", "target": <string>, "units": "<string>", "start_date": "<YYYY-MM-DD>", "due_date": "<YYYY-MM-DD>", "goal_weight": <string>, "is_top_level": <string>, "description": "<string>", "alignment": "<goal_id>", "categories": "<category_id>" }
CURL Example
curl -X PATCH https://api.staging.talent.performyard.com/v1/goals/(goal_id) \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header 'x-api-id: {{X-API-ID}}' \ --header 'x-api-key: {{X-API-KEY}}' --data '{ "name": "<string>", "assignment": "<string>", "transparency": "<string>", "target": <string>, "units": "<string>", "start_date": "<YYYY-MM-DD>", "due_date": "<YYYY-MM-DD>", "is_top_level": <string>, "description": "<string>" }'
200 OK
{ "message": "Goal progress updated", "id": "<goal_id>" }