Your dashboard
When logging into PerformYard you are defaulted to your Dashboard. The dashboard includes sections designed to help you know what’s going on and what you need to do in PerformYard. Certain features may not be utilized in your organization and therefore those items may not be visible on your dashboard.
On the left-hand side you will see your picture and name, with an edit button to update your profile and a View More link to see additional information about you in PerformYard. If you are a manager, beneath that, you'll have an option to toggle the dashboard from seeing information about you to seeing information about your team. You'll also see information about your manager and any direct reports you may have.
To the right of your picture, you'll see the Review Forms box, which will include any review forms that are available for you to author or sign. Additionally, you will see any recently completed review forms that are about you. Counts of open and overdue forms will also appear in this box. Click onto a form name to go to that form.
To the right of the Review Forms box, you'll see the Reviews box, which will list any reviews where you are the subject (note: Reviews are a collection of review forms where you are the subject where those forms may be authored or signed by yourself, your manager or others). Click on a review name to go to that review.
Beneath Review Forms is Feedback. Feedback will show all recognition given in your organization (if available) as well as any feedback given to you, plus any feedback requests that others have made of you. Expand any box to see the details of that feedback. You can also toggle this box to only show recognition given in the organization, which will filter out any feedback just to you.
Next to Feedback is Goals, where you will see a progress indicator for your goals, along with a distribution of those goals by outlook. Additionally, you will see how many active goals you have, how many overdue goals you have, and a count of goals with unread updates.
Beneath Feedback and Goals, you may have To-Dos to complete, if those are available in your organization.
If you are a manager, you can toggle to see a dashboard view of your team. In doing so, the various sections of the dashboard will update to where the content is about your set of direct reports. This will include forms to complete about your direct reports, reviews of your direct reports, feedback about your direct reports and goal progress for their goals.