Goal information across the organization

PerformYard offers three different goal views within an organization: an overview, goal alignment, and a filterable list. Each of these is available from the Goals page of Company Info. Each of these three views is always visible to administrators, and administrators can give view permission to all users as well.

The goal list provides access to every goal in the organization. This list is defaulted to active public goals, and shows the name, assignee, due date, status and progress of each goal (along with the corresponding outlook color).

Clicking a column header, you will be able to change the sort of the list view. Clicking the filter button (to the right of the search bar) will allow you to filter the list of goals shown. A menu will appear where you can filter by Name, Assignee, Creation Date After, Creation Date Before, Due Date After, Due Date Before, Category, Status, Transparency Level, Outlook, Shared Goals or Aligned To. 

You can also export any goal list to a .CSV file by clicking the Download CSV button. This will export the current list of goals (based on any filters). This export will include:

  • Assignee
  • Name
  • Description
  • Status
  • Last Status Update
  • Categories
  • Start date
  • Due date
  • Outlook
  • Current value
  • Target
  • Units
  • Current progress
  • Transparency
  • Alignment
  • Alignment assignee
  • Assignee group
  • Creation date

The Overview includes a set of graphical representations of goal performance across the entire organization.

Clockwise from top left, these include:

  • Outlook by Due Date: A bar chart that shows the preceding two months, current month and next three months, with bars indicating the number of goals with each outlook that are due in each month, plus the number of completed goals due in that month and the number of goals where no outlook was selected.
  • Active Goal Outlook: A pie chart that shows the number of active goals with each outlook.
  • Goal Activity: A look at recent activity within each goal, telling you how many goals had been updated in 30 day increments.
  • Goal Metrics: The number of goals created, completed and overdue within the past 30 days.
  • Active Goal Completion: The average completion for every active goal.

The Alignment shows a dynamic view of the relationships of goals to the organization's Top Goals, which appear when you go to the Alignment page initially. 

This page has a number of important options:

  • Administrators can create new Top Goals directly from this page.
  • You can change the sort, which is defaulted to alphabetical.
  • You can search these and supporting goals by typing in a goal name.

Note that the default here is to have active goals appear in the goal alignment - so you will have active top goals and any other top goals that are supported by currently active goals.

Each "top goal" is displayed along with its owner, progress, outlook, status, due date and the number of supporting goals it has. If a user has permission to view the details for the goal, an "open in new tab" icon appears in the upper right.

When you filter Alignment, it will filter the entirety of the goal management structure. This means that what will appear are goals that either directly meet the filter OR are supported by other goals that meet the filter. For example, you could have completed goals supported by still active ones, or you could have goals of a certain category or ownership that appear because the supporting goals meet that ownership or category filter. Non-top-level goals that meet the filter set will appear in blue. Goals that appear because they have supporting goals in the filter appear in black. Filter options include:

  • Goal name
  • Assignee
  • Due Date (after and before specified)
  • Category
  • Status
  • Outlook

You can then navigate downward by selecting any of these goals. When you do so, you'll see the goals that immediately support the selected goal in a list view. These goals are listed by name, assignee, due date, status, number of supporting goals and progress. This table of goals is sortable by clicking a header. If you have permission to the details for one of these goals, you'll also have an icon to open it in a new window. Those goals can then be selected to see their supporting goals, or you can return to the top goals.

All users can create new goals that support the selected goal (e.g. "Manage client implementation, support & service" and framed in blue in the screenshot above) by clicking the green Create Goal button.