About my team’s reviews (manager)
If you have direct reports assigned in PerformYard, you can view all reviews about your team members by selecting the My team list in the Reviews section. This will show every review, whether it is currently active, was completed in the past or is scheduled to occur in the future. You can even access those reviews that may have been completed by others before you were assigned as another employee’s manager.
You can filter this list by the review subject or the status, as well as change the start date sort from ascending to descending. Click Open Review next to the subject’s name for the review you want to see.
You can view any form by clicking View to see the contents of the form (assuming they are completed or it was one that you worked on).
You may also click Edit to change the parameters of a form if given permission by Administrators. For example, some reviews may have unassigned forms. These are forms that are scheduled as part of a review template, but for which you have to determine who will fill out the form. You can then modify authors or signers, as well as due dates, for the form you are editing.
Depending on your permissions for any given review, the Options menu in the upper right may include additional actions you may take including:
- View All Answers to see a consolidated view of answers by form
- Edit Review to change the name of the review as displayed
- Add Form to include assign another form as part of this review
- Add External Form to assign another form as part of this review to someone outside of PerformYard
- Download As CSV to export review answers in CSV format
- Download As PDF to export a single PDF that includes all forms in the review
- Close Review to end the review in its current state
- Re-open Review to restart a review previously closed
- Delete Review to permanently delete the review from PerformYard (not recoverable, depends on permission)