Filling out and signing review forms
Reviews can take many forms and involve many different people in PerformYard. These can be performance check-ins, manager reviews, self evaluations or peer reviews - whatever your organization would like to set up. You may be assigned to complete a form by answering the questions included or sign off on a form as an acknowledgement of a form completed by someone else.
If you have been assigned to author or sign a form, click on the Reviews tab and you're defaulted to the Forms I Need to Do list. This listing includes the name of the review form and its subject, the author's and signer's the due dates, and the current status of the form. The subject might be you, in the case of a self evaluation, a direct report or a peer. The status may include that the form is:
- Available for you to fill out
- Available for you to sign off
- Awaiting submission where you are awaiting someone else to complete their action (authoring or signing) before you can complete your action
You can click the Filters button to filter by the subject of the review or the status of the form. Any filters applied will appear above the table. Click the column headers to change the sort.
Filling Out a Form
To fill out a form, click Open Form to the left of the form you want to complete where the status is Fill out the form. You'll be asked a series of questions about the subject of the review.
The control box on the right hand side will display the actors (authors and signers) involved in completing the form, subject visibility and with other options. As you begin to fill out the form, click Save For Later to store your answers and revisit at a later time. When the form is complete, you can submit the review to the next author or signer by clicking the green Submit button. When a form is submitted, it will be checked for any incomplete required questions and a warning will be displayed informing you of any questions that must be completed before the form can be fully submitted.
Alternately, you can use the Options menu to:
- Save for Later to store your answers
- Submit
- Save & Launch Dual View
Signing a Form
To sign off on a form, click Open Form to the left of the form name on the Reviews tab for which you want to sign. You can view the answers provided by the author(s) of the form and choose to sign off. To complete the sign off, click the Sign Off button and enter any optional comments you want about the review form.
You can also click the Sendback here hyperlink to the right of author's name to reopen the form for that author with comments as to why you are sending the form back.