General SAML Instructions

If you would like to use your own SAML provider for Single Sign On with PerformYard, please contact your Customer Success Manager to ensure the capability is enabled for your organization. Once that is done, follow these instructions.

Please note, PerformYard supports an SP- Initiated SAML, not an IdP- Initiated SAML.

Step 1: Navigate in PerformYard to the Authentication section of Administration. Select SAML Settings from the Authentication menu.

Step 2: Select Add SAML Object.

Step 3: Copy each of the PerformYard Entity ID, PerformYard Single Sign On URL and PerformYard Single Logout URL.

Step 4: Paste these values into your SAML provider.

Step 5: In your SAML provider, locate the following to add to PerformYard: Entity ID, Single Sign On URL, Single Logout URL, x509 certificate.

Step 6: Paste this information into the appropriate data entry boxes in PerformYard. Within the x509cert section, ensure you include the entire text to include both "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and "-----END CERTIFICATE-----". Also add an appropriate Label describing your SAML provider. This label will appear on your login pages as “Sign in with Label.” Click Add SAML Object.

Note: PerformYard assumes that you are using email as your attribute; if your system defines email in a different field, you may need to edit the information in the custom attribute section.

Step 7: Enable your SAML provider by toggling the slider to the green check mark. This will allow your SAML provider to be used by your staff.

Step 8: Ensure that your employees that need to access PerformYard by your SAML-based provider are given the appropriate permissions to utilize the single sign on capability, ensuring that the employee's email address attribute from your system matches the email address provided for their account in PerformYard.