HRIS Management


Once you've set up your HRIS integration, you'll manage employee accounts and connected fields from your HRIS integration tab, which you will find in the Administration section of PerformYard.

Please note, if you are on a PerformYard account and have not set up your integration yet, you can find set up instructions for your specific HRIS here

Syncing your data 

The integration will automatically sync approximately once every 24 hours, and you will see the date and time of the last sync in the top right corner of the page. You can manually sync the integration at anytime using the green Sync button. 

Filtering the employee list

From the same page, above the employee list, you'll have options to search for employees and filter the list. The filter options appear below.

  • The default filter set is for HRIS employees to connect/add to PerformYard which will show you any newly added employees to your HRIS, so you can easily create PerformYard accounts for these employees by selecting the Create New box. You can also choose to ignore any of these employees.
  • Currently connected HRIS workers will show all HRIS employees who are already connected via the integration. You can disconnect any employees if necessary, but typically no action will be required here.
  • Connected HRIS workers terminated in HRIS and active in PerformYard will be those employees who have been terminated in your HRIS who have not been deactivated in PerformYard. This is typically the list of employees you will need to deactivate from PerformYard.
  • Connected HRIS workers terminated in HRIS and deactivated in PerformYard will show you employees who are terminated in your HRIS and deactivated in PerformYard. This list is typically for reference as no action is usually required.
  • HRIS workers set to ignore will identify anyone you ignored instead of adding to PerformYard. You can come to this list should you need to create or connect one of these accounts in the future.

Adding or connecting employee accounts

On the list of employees to connect/add to PerformYard, you can:

  • Use the dropdown in the Selected column to find a PerformYard account that you would like to connect to this account from your HRIS. You'll use this option if there is already an employee account set up in PerformYard. 
  • Create new, check the box to create a new account for this employee. The email associated with the account in your HRIS will automatically fill into the box. If you would prefer to set up the account with a different email address, it can be adjusted, though it is recommended that the email in your HRIS and in PerformYard match. 
  • Ignore, check this box for employees you do not want to have a PerformYard account. This will remove them from your list of HRIS workers to connect/add to PerformYard and they will be moved to the HRIS workers set to ignore list.

Once you've managed which employees you'd like to add, connect, or ignore, you'll use the green  Save Employees button to save your changes. 

Deactivating employee accounts

You can see the list of employees waiting to be deactivated (terminated in your HRIS) by filtering for the list,  Connected HRIS workers terminated in HRIS and active in PerformYard. From this list, the easiest way to deactivate the employee is to click view which will open up that employee's dashboard in a new page. 

You'll deactivate this employee as you would normally, by clicking edit within the top left box on their dashboard and clicking deactivate. You will then be asked to include a termination date; however, this date will be overwritten by the date in your HRIS if that is a field that you have connected. 

Managing connected fields 

You can always view and make adjustments to the fields that are connected by your HRIS under the Fields section on the HRIS integration page. For any connected fields, you will no longer be able to edit these data fields within PerformYard, and they will be kept up to date based on data updates from you HRIS. Some of the fields are more standard and a check box will be used to connect the fields. The additional field options, which are unique to the HRIS integration you have, will be listed underneath. To ensure that all your possible field options are visible on this page, select Refresh HRIS fields

The left column will be the field name in you HRIS and the right column will identify if the field is connected and to which PerformYard field. To connect any fields from this page, you'll either check the box or use the drop down to select a compatible PerformYard field. Before being able to connect a field, you will need to ensure that:

  • The field has been created in PerformYard, which you can do from your Employee Data Fields tab under Administration.
  • The field in PerformYard is the same type as the field in your HRIS (most fields will be text type data fields).

To disconnect any fields, you will either uncheck the check box or select Not Connected in the dropdown. Use the green Save Fields button to save any changes you made before leaving this page.

Updating your HRIS Credentials

For some HRIS Integrations, if the administrator who originally set up the integration is deactivated in PerformYard, the credentials for the integration will need to be updated by a new administrator for the information to stay synced. The new administrator will need to be an administrator in both PerformYard and the HRIS. For these integration, you will see a Settings section on the HRIS integration page. 


For UKG, you will update the credentials by inputing the API Key, Username, Password, and Web Service Base URL associated with your UKG service account. You'll use the green Reconnect button once the information is updated. 


For BambooHR, you will update the credentials by inputing your BambooHR subdomain. You'll use the green  Reconnect button once the information is updated. 


For Gusto, you will update the credentials simply by clicking the green Reconnect button.