Additional Filters for Review Report


Review reports offer a rich set of Quick Filters that control what review forms should be included in the report.  For some reports, it is sometimes necessary to have finer-grained control over the review forms that should be included or excluded from the report.  The Additional Filters capability offers additional flexibility over the filtering of review reports. These additional filters complement those offered as quick filters on the Review Report filter panel.

Additional Filters Button on Filter Panel

Adding Additional Filters

Adding additional filters is achieved after selecting the [+ Add Filters] button, which will open up an extended filter panel that allows adding any additional filters for the report.  

Extended Filter Panel

Using a Single Clause in a Filter

A Filter can be made up of one or more clauses. A filter clause is made up of 3 parts: 

  • A Field Name, for example, "Employee Name"
  • A Comparison Operator, for example, "Contains"
  • A Comparison Value, for example, "Smith"

Creating a new Filter

Using Multiple Clauses in a Single Filter

A filter can check for multiple clauses or valid values, which are joined together using an OR condition. For example, you could create a filter to include any review forms for review subjects whose last names contain Smith or Jones.

Multiple Clauses in a Filter

Combining Multiple Filters

It is possible to combine multiple filters, along with any previously defined quick filters.    For example, you could combine the above name filter along with a filter on salary, looking for employees whose names are either Smith OR Jones AND who have a salary greater than $100,000. All the individual filters must evaluate to be true for a review form to be included in the resulting report.

Combination Filters

Note: If your report appears to have no rows, then it is likely that the combination of filters is excluding all records from the report.  This can happen when including two mutually exclusive filters. For example, adding two separate filters, one for Salary Greater Than $20,000 and a second filter for Salary Less Than $20,000, would not have any records that could match since it would be impossible for someone's salary to be both greater than AND less than $20,000.

Supported Comparison Operators

The available comparison operators are adjusted based on the selected Field.  For example, fields like name support text comparisons like Equals,  Starts With, or Contains, whereas numeric fields support comparisons like Greater Than, Less Than, or Equals.  A complete list of available comparison operators is shown below.

Text Fields Equals
Match if the text matches the field exactly. For example, Last Name Equals Green will only return review forms for review subjects whose last name is precisely Green.
Does Not Equal Match if the text does not match the field. For example, Last Name Does Not Equal Green will return review forms for all review subjects whose last names are not Green.
Contains Match if the text exists within the field. For example, Last Name Contains Green will return review forms for all review subjects whose last names contain Green, including McGreen, Greenberg, Greensmith, and O'Green.
Does Not Contain Match if the text does not exist within the field. For example, Last Name Does Not Contain Green will return review forms for all review subjects whose last names do not contain Green.
Starts With Match if the field's value starts with the specified text.  For example, Last Name Starts With Green would find review forms for review subjects whose last names begin with Green, including    Greenberg, Greensmith, and Green.
Does Not Start With Match if the field's value does not start with the specified text.  For example, Last Name Does Not Start With Green would find review forms for review subjects whose last names did not begin with Green, for example, Meyer, Jones, and Smith, and exclude those that did start with Green, like Greenberg.
Ends With Match if the field's value ends with the specified text. For example, Last Name Ends With Green would find review forms for review subjects whose last names end with Green, for example, Green and O'Green but would not include Greenberg.
Does Not End With Match if the field's value does not end with the specified text. For example, Last Name Does Not End With Green would find review forms for review subjects whose last names do not end with Green, for example, Jones, Meyer, and Greenberg but not Green or O'Green.
Numeric Fields Equals Match if the field's value matches the specified value exactly. For example, Salary Equals 20,000 will only return review forms for review subjects whose salary is precisely 20,000.
Does Not Equal Match if the field's value does not match the number specified. For example, Salary Does Not Equal 20,000 will only return review forms for review subjects whose salary is not 20,000.
Greater Than Match if the field's value is greater than the specified value.  For example, Salary Greater Than 20,000 will only return review forms for review subjects whose salary is greater than 20,000 but will not include those with a salary of exactly 20,000.
Less Than Match if the field's value is less than the specified value.  For example,  Salary Less Than 20,000 will only return review forms for review subjects whose salary is less than 20,000 and will not include those with a salary of exactly 20,000.
Greater Than or Equal To Match if the field's value is greater than or equal to the specified value.  For example,  Salary Greater Than Or Equal To 20,000 will only return review forms for review subjects whose salary is greater than 20,000 and those with a salary of exactly 20,000.
Less Than or Equal To Match if the field's value is less than or equal to the specified value.  For example,  Salary Less Than Or Equal To 20,000 will only return review forms for review subjects whose salary is less than 20,000 and those with a salary of exactly 20,000.
Person Fields Equals Match if the field's value matches the specified person.  For example, Manager Equals Jennifer Lopez will return all review forms for reviews whose review subject's manager is Jennifer Lopez.
Does Not Equal Match if the specified person does not match the field's value.  For example, Manager Does Not Equal Jennifer Lopez will return all review forms for review subjects whose managers are not Jennifer Lopez.
People Fields Contains Match if one of the specified people is found in the field.  For example, Participants Contains Bob Smith will return all review forms for reviews whose participants (signers, authors, subject) include Bob Smith.
Does Not Contain Match if the specified person is not found in the field.  For example, Participants Does Not Contain Bob Smith will return all review forms for reviews that did not involve Bob Smith as a signer, author, or subject.
Date Fields Equals Match if the field's value matches the specified value exactly. For example,  Form Complete Date Equals 1/1/2023 will only return review forms completed on January 1st, 2023.
Before Match if the field's value occurred before the specified value. For example,  Form Complete Date Before 1/1/2023 will only return review forms completed before January 1st, 2023, and will not include those completed on January 1st, 2023.
After Match if the field's value occurred after the specified value. For example,  Form Complete Date After 1/1/2023 will only return review forms completed after January 1st, 2023, and will not include those completed on January 1st, 2023.