All To-Dos List (admin)

Administrators have access to a list of all the to-dos across workflows that have been assigned within their organization. Click on Workflows within Company Info and select the All To-Dos to access this list. 

In the All To-Dos List, you will see a series of columns that provide the pertinent data about each workflow to-do item that has been assigned in PerformYard. Some of these fields are sortable or filterable and include:

  • Subject - The person responsible for completing the workflow.
  • Workflow - The parent Workflow that includes the task to be completed.
  • Actor - The person responsible for completing the specific to-do item or task.
  • Action - The action or task to complete.
  • Due Date - The date the to-do item or task was due.
  • Complete Date - The date the to-do item or task was completed.
  • Status - The current status of the to-do item or task.

Above the list, there is an option to download the list of to-do items as a comma-separated-value (.CSV) file.