Feedback List (admin)

PerformYard includes a standard All Feedback list.  This list for administrators details all feedback that has been shared across the organization. This includes public recognition and feedback shared from one employee to another (including those to just an employee's manager or a note that one employee has shared with their manager). This report does not include private notes kept solely to the employee. 

Click the All Feedback link on the Company Feedback tab to display the Feedback Report to view this report. 

This list includes the following six columns. Some of these columns are filterable. These columns include:

  • Subject: The employee(s) that the feedback is about, filterable by employee name.
  • Author: The employee that gave the feedback, filterable by employee name.
  • Hashtags: The hashtags that were included in the feedback, if any. These are filterable based on your Reportable Hashtags set up in Administration.
  • Shared With: The audience for the feedback; this may include Everyone (recognition), Subject, Subject's Manager or Subject and Subject's Manager; also filterable.
  • Date: The date the feedback was given; clicking the calendar icon allows filtering by date range.
  • Content: The details of the feedback. Note that this is a hyperlink to a page that includes that feedback solely.

This list is also exportable to a comma-separated-value file (.CSV) with any filters applied.