Reporting on Employee Data (admin)


Once you've created and populated standard or custom data fields, you can easily create reports that can use those fields. In PerformYard, administrators can create and save these reports in the Reporting & Analytics area. Reporting shows a list of all stored reports, including descriptions and tags. You can also search this list on the report name or tag name.

Creating a new Employee Report

To build a new report, click New Employee Report.  Every new employee report starts with all of your current employees.

You can then add filters or manage the fields displayed by clicking on the controls on the left. These controls help you manage the report. You can close the control panel by clicking the red X icon at the top.  You can later reopen the control panel by clicking the show controls button. 

The control panel includes controls and options to:

  • Assign a name to the report or rename an existing report.
  • Assign one or more tags to the report to make it easier to find the report later. 
  • Save your table and any report options.
  • Select additional fields to display in the report.
  • Filter Employees using custom filters of the employee data.
  • A graphical depiction of how many employees were found based on your search compared to your total of active employees.

Adding Fields

You can easily add additional fields to the Employee Report by pressing the Select Fields... button.  All standard and custom employee data fields can be added to the report table as new columns.


Creating filters is a simple process of identifying the fields you want to use to filter your employee list and determining the parameters for which employees you want to appear. Once you have added one or more filter parameters, click Update to apply those filters to the employee list, which will then update based on those who meet the filter criteria.

The query will update depending on the field you have selected. For example, if you are searching on a numeric or monetary field, like salary, you will have options such as Equal to, Less than, or Greater than, as shown in the example below, where Salary is less than $78,000.

Multiple queries can be put together, such as finding where Salary is less than $78,000 and Group is Customer Support.

You can also add OR statements to filters. These can be attached to any existing filter parameter using the Or icon to the right of the initial filter.

To delete a filter, click the trash icon.

"As Of" Reporting

PerformYard will allow you to select a date to filter/display data as of that point in time. PerformYard will return any employee where the As Of date is after the employee's Hire Date but before the Termination Date (if there is one). That employee will appear if a user has not been terminated and has no hire date.

"As Of" reporting for all data fields is ultimately based on the date the data was created in PerformYard. You can backdate employee data field-by-field; however, As Of reporting will work best for dates after you started with PerformYard. 

You can even include terminated employees at any time. This typically works best when using the current date, but you want to see data for anyone that was an employee.

Exporting Report to CSV (Download CSV)

The employee report can be downloaded as a CSV file by pressing the Download CSV button.

The resulting file will be named "PerformYard_Report," followed by the current date and time.

Please note that it may take a few seconds or longer for the download to complete for larger organizations.