Getting Started with the PerformYard REST API


If you are on a PerformYard Enterprise account, you can set up one or more API keys to update and maintain employee data via the API. The API can be used to create, read, update, or deactivate employees. You must be an Admin in PerformYard to manage your company's API keys

Please confirm API access is available in your PerformYard account with your Customer Success Manager.

Getting Started

To get started, navigate to the Administration section of PerformYard.

Next, navigate to the Authentication link in the menu and select API Key. The API Key area offers a unified list of all previously created API keys with the ability to view an API key, edit an API key, delete an API key, and the ability to create new API keys.

All previously created API keys are in the list.  The API key list is sortable, filterable, and searchable to make it easy to find the specific API keys of interest.


To create an API Key, click + Add API Key.

You'll be issued a key which you can rename. Note, the API I.D. and API Key values will be required as headers in each request made to the PerformYard API.


The columns of the API key list are sortable by clicking on the header of the individual columns. The first click will sort in descending order, and the second click with reverse the sort to ascending order.

Additional & Advanced Topics:

The list offers an action menu, depicted as three dots on each row of the API key list.


To edit a previously created API key, click the  Edit button to the right of the name in the list.

Along with being able to edit the name of the API Key, it can also be recycled. The I.D, Key, and Sample values will be updated to reflect this change. Note, previous values will no longer work once an API Key has been recycled.


Deleting an API key will delete and remove it from the list. Please note that there is no option to recover a previously deleted API key once deleted.